Events & Engagement

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Embrace Community, Enrichment, & Fun!

We believe that engaging events are an essential part of maintaining the cognitive and social well-being of our residents. 

Our events are carefully curated to nurture relationships and foster a sense of community, from stimulating brain games to enriching social gatherings, we create opportunities for residents to live fulfilling lives.

Ready to see how our events can enrich your loved one’s life? Find a Through Their Eyes community today.

Connection & Family

Connection is at the heart of our community. We understand the importance of family bonds, which is why we encourage family participation in our events. 

From meal times to special occasions, families are always welcome to be part of the experience, making every moment a little more special.

Experience a Life of Daily Enrichment

Each event we offer is thoughtfully designed not only to stimulate cognitive abilities but also to nurture emotional well-being and inspire social interaction. 

By focusing on these key areas, we aim to enrich the lives of our residents, fostering a sense of strength, purpose, and belonging within our community.

Community Design

Our communities are thoughtfully designed to create an inviting and supportive environment. Every aspect, from the layout to the amenities, is crafted to support the quality of life for our residents.

Music is a powerful tool for engagement. Our music programs are designed to evoke memories, spark joy, and create a communal atmosphere where residents can connect through the universal language of music.

The presence of animals can have a profound impact on well-being. Whether it’s through pet therapy sessions or visits from furry friends, our residents enjoy the unconditional love and companionship that animals bring.

Ready to Explore More?

Our events are just one of the many ways we strive to create a vibrant, nurturing community. Each of our communities offers unique programming tailored to the interests and needs of its residents. 

To learn more about how our events can make a difference in your life, get in touch with the community you’re interested in.

An Enriched Lifestyle

See how we keep our communities uncluttered, organized, and free from the common risks associated with all forms of dementia.

Security & Safety

Learn about our unique wellness programs and tasty dining experiences that cater to our residents’ unique needs and preferences.

Wellness & Dining

Find out about the exciting events and activities we offer to keep our residents engaged, stimulated, and connected with others.

Events & Engagement

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