Security & Safety

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Peace of Mind for Residents & Families

We place special importance on the safety and security of our residents.

With Through Their Eyes, you can rest assured knowing your loved one is in a supportive environment designed to mitigate common safety concerns associated with dementia.  From specifically designed amenities for security to personalized approaches that help keep residents comfortable and happy, we adopt a range of proven strategies to support your loved one in any way we can.

Learn more when you visit a community near you today.

Finding Comfort in Simplicity

Creating a comfortable environment goes beyond physical safety—it’s about fostering cognitive comfort, too.

This mindful approach improves resident security and reduces anxiety by maintaining a familiar, easy-to-navigate space. From the layout of our rooms to daily routines, every detail is crafted to support the cognitive well-being of our residents. 

Common Safety Concerns

When caring for those living with dementia, several safety concerns commonly arise that require thoughtful consideration and proactive measures.

Common challenges include wandering, difficulties with daily tasks and medication management, and emotional distress. Understanding these challenges helps us implement effective support strategies.

Home safety for individuals with dementia is a priority. By modifying living spaces, we create a secure environment free from hazards.

Driving can pose significant risks for individuals with dementia. We provide transportation services and peace of mind for residents who can no longer drive safely. 

Wandering is a common issue for those with dementia. We implement secure entry and exit points and monitoring systems to prevent wandering, allowing residents to move freely within our community.

Accurate medication management is vital for health and safety. Our staff oversees medication administration, making it simple for our residents to follow their prescription plans.

Our Approach to Safety

Our comprehensive safety measures are integrated into our community design. We use specific types of lighting to create welcoming and easy-to-navigate spaces, choose soothing colors that help with orientation, and design layouts that minimize confusion.

Our “Compassionate Communication” model is also a key element of our safety strategy and allows us to connect with residents in a way that respects their dignity and needs without resorting to misleading tactics. 

Help Your Loved One Live the Life They Deserve 

Trust Through Their Eyes to provide your loved ones with a safe, supportive, and comfortable environment. Find a community near you today to discover how we can help.

An Enriched Lifestyle

See how we keep our communities uncluttered, organized, and free from the common risks associated with all forms of dementia.

Security & Safety

Learn about our unique wellness programs and tasty dining experiences that cater to our residents’ unique needs and preferences.

Wellness & Dining

Find out about the exciting events and activities we offer to keep our residents engaged, stimulated, and connected with others.

Events & Engagement

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