Wellness & Dining

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Embracing a Healthier, Happier Life

We believe that a healthy lifestyle is the foundation of a fulfilling life.

Our commitment to supporting our residents goes beyond just the basics; it includes a comprehensive approach to wellness and nourishment. From engaging community events to personalized care plans, everything we do is designed to support the well-being of our residents. 

Join us at Through Their Eyes today and let’s journey towards a healthier, happier lifestyle for your loved one.

Why Wellness Matters

Wellness is at the heart of everything we do at Through Their Eyes. Our holistic approach directly affects our resident’s quality of life, helping them enjoy each day to its fullest. 

Whether through social activities, wellness programs, or simply spending quality time with our team members, we prioritize the happiness and health of our residents.

Supporting Wellness

Wellness is more than a program; it’s a way of life. We integrate various wellness practices into daily routines to help residents maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. 

Our approach includes physical health, mental well-being, and social connection, creating a comprehensive support system for our residents.

Personalized Wellness Plans

Customized activities and diets followed by continuous assessments and adjustments to help maintain a thriving quality of life.

We offer regular health checks alongside coordination with personal healthcare providers to meet our resident’s healthcare needs as they change.

Our workshops focus on nutrition and wellness, including stress management techniques to help manage behavioral changes that may be caused by dementia.

Dining at Through Their Eyes

Through Their Eyes provides nutritious, delicious meals that cater to diverse tastes and dietary needs. We believe that food should be both nourishing and enjoyable, and our expert culinary team works tirelessly to create meals that residents look forward to. 

Each meal is crafted with care, using fresh ingredients to promote overall health and well-being.

Nutritionally Balanced

Our dining approach emphasizes smaller, frequent portions while using fresh, seasonal ingredients that accommodate dietary needs and preferences.

Engaging, Safe Dining Experiences

Family-style dining and themed nights encourage socialization, coupled with careful food selection for safety. 

Educational Opportunities & Family Participation

We offer cooking classes, demonstrations, and nutritional education to engage and inform residents, and encourage families to share recipes and enjoy meals together.

A Through Their Eyes Community Awaits

Join us at Through Their Eyes and discover a community where wellness and dining are at the forefront of our care. Our holistic approach works to help each resident feel supported and valued. 

Find a community near you today!

An Enriched Lifestyle

See how we keep our communities uncluttered, organized, and free from the common risks associated with all forms of dementia.

Security & Safety

Learn about our unique wellness programs and tasty dining experiences that cater to our residents’ unique needs and preferences.

Wellness & Dining

Find out about the exciting events and activities we offer to keep our residents engaged, stimulated, and connected with others.

Events & Engagement

Our Gallery

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